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Data Recovery
January-March 2010 - User Comments

  • 2010/03/30 - David W. Lovell - Norcross, Georgia

    Thank you very much for the quick reply, the product works great and now I am comfortable knowing I will be able to continue using it down the road.

    You guys saved my wife hours of labor re-photographing items she wanted to sell on ebay when the memory card was showing all the files as corrupted.

  • 2010/03/19 - Graeme Senior - Brisbane, Australia

    This is amazing, within less than five minutes I went from having a problem I didn't know how to solve to the solution finished and everything is up and running. This has to be a record for customer service anywhere!

    You have affirmed my decision to use your software.

    Many thanks

  • 2010/03/16 - Ross Dorman - Essex, United Kingdom

    Thanks guys,
    The best 40 quid I have ever spent!!!!!!


  • 2010/02/23 - Willa P Springfield - Sayler Park, Ohio

    Thank you! My prayers were answered. I deleted a partition, not realizing it was a 16 GB jump drive full of pictures. Hours have been spent trying to recover these pictures, without any success. Within five minutes all of the pictures were saved, with File Scavenger.

    Microcenter told me there was not a program to recover this partition. Please get over there and show them what you have.

    I appreciate the work you put into making this program.

  • 2010/02/17 - Dave Cutler - Canada

    Hi there,

    I just had to drop you a quick line to let you know that your software was able to FULLY recover 100% of my Broken RAID 0 array.

    My RAID 0 had been working fine, but I needed to go into the BIOS to ensure that the 'Legacy USB' option was enabled (I was having issues with an older USB device)

    Upon coming out of the BIOS, my RAID status now said that only 1 of my drives had "RAID Inside", while the other now said "Non-Raid."

    Somehow, the partnership got broken, and nothing I tried could re-build (fix) the now broken array.

    I did some research and discovered that I was not the only one with this problem (1 disk in the array, and the other out).

    All the forums I looked at all shared one solution. To rebuild the array, and then re-install from scratch. This did not make any sense to me, as I knew the data on the physical Hard drives were okay. Only the RAID partnership was broke from going into the BIOS.

    I came upon your site, and am I glad I did. I was able to disconnect my RAID drives, install them as 2 separate SATA drives, and run the File Scavenger software (I dual boot).

    I easily saw the advanced button where I could then add my disks. This was the tricky part, because I first added the drives by order of their numbers.

    E.g. I first added disk 1, followed by disk 2 (I had no idea what their proper order was)

    When I did this, I was only able to recover a few documents that were very small in size (text files and word documents). Everything else said it was corrupt.

    I then tried again by adding the disks in the opposite order. (first added disk 2, and then disk 1). This time, I was able to recover 100% of the data on my RAID 0 array! (over 600 GB's)

    I think there needs to be some kind of better warning within the program itself to remind the user that he/she may need to re-try the disk locations if their recovery is not at first successful.

    The only thing better, would have been a product that could look at the existing RAID array info, and rebuild/repair it at the controller level. (for disks that are otherwise healthy).

    Thanks again for such a great product. It really saved me.

  • 2010/02/17 - Paul Desaulniers - Pembroke pines, Florida

    I deleted my Recycle Bin and nearly passed out. I bought the File Scavenger tool and less than two minutes later all my old files were recovered- even a few things I didn’t want.

    This tool is absolutely AWESOME.

  • 2010/02/16 - John Roche - Chesterfield, Missouri

    I used your File Scavenger and it worked SUPER! All files, photos and Outlook emails/contacts recovered flawlessly. A very good product.

  • 2010/02/09 - Leslie p Hennessey - Reseda, California

    I got hit with a worm virus opening an email pdf file from my son who works in Bolivia. It quickly trashed my system good and proper, and I was looking at several months of work down the drain.

    Thanks to File Scavenger I was able to recover about 95% of over 300 Gb of data. Y'all saved the day and my sorry hide. Kudos on a well designed, fast and super efficient program. Not too often can I say that about any software.

  • 2010/02/01 - Mostafa Ouanounou - Woking, Surrey, United Kingdom

    Thank you for your prompt reply.

    I have managed to restore all the files that I needed thanks to a combination of both Disk Recoup and File scavenger.

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